Jul 3, 2014
The Annenberg Foundation has teamed up with Manchester and Pittsfield NH Schools. They are reinforcing indoctrination into a certain political philosophy via the classrooms. We saw it with the “listening” session held by Keith Catone in Pittsfield. Keep in...
Jun 3, 2014
This video from the Western Journalism Center highlights the similarities of what transpires in our schools, with what went on during the Hitler Youth Program under fascist rule. At the end of the video is a chilling clip of children being indoctrinated in their...
May 15, 2014
MADISON, Wis. – “White Privilege” theorists aren’t content with just indoctrinating high school students. Their agenda is to start earlier than that. Four- and five-year-olds are much more impressionable than a skeptical teenager. Editor’s note: This is Part 3 of a...
May 6, 2014
Well, how does the saying go? “Out of the mouths of babes”. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: http://youtu.be/ryVWfATBT9M
May 6, 2014
Update: Longer Video on Baer Arrest Parents in Gilford attended a school board meeting and said they are trying to understand why Gilford High School is requiring some students to read a book that includes a graphic sexual encounter. “I am utterly appalled that this...
May 4, 2014
The worst problem with Common Core is not just the fuzzy curriculum and “fad” teaching methods, but the ingrained political indoctrination and inappropriate lessons that are geared toward turning students against the republic and toward the one world...