The FRAUDULENT Smarter Balanced Proficiency Scores?

Open Letter to the CA State Board of Education on Release of [False] SBAC Scores The Smarter Balanced Assessment is the standardized assessment the New Hampshire Department of Ed chose to force upon the public and charter schools in New Hampshire. The computer...

NASHUA Smarter Balanced Scores RELEASED: It’s Not Good?

The New Hampshire Dept. of Education directed Superintendents across New Hampshire to withhold the data on the preliminary proficiency scores from the Smarter Balanced (Common Core) Assessment. Parents and school board members around the state began asking, who do the...

Is the New Hampshire Commissioner of Ed Misleading Parents Again?

If you click on the link below, you will find more praise for the Common Core Standards and assessments. However, are they telling us the truth? Are they misleading us again? Are they refusing to give us the facts? Are they incapable of providing critical information...

Goodbye “Local Control” of Education in New Hampshire

We continue to question the over-reach by the New Hampshire Dept. of Education as the Commissioner seems to believe the Superintendents work for her and not the local communities that pay their salaries. The preliminary Smarter Balanced scores were recently released...


A CALL TO ACTION: URGENT Send the following message to ALL of our State Reps. and Senators ASAP: The NH Department of ED is REFUSING to release the Smarter Balanced Assessment scores!!! While other states have released the preliminary scores, NH is REFUSING to release...