Common Core Results in Behavior Change without Protest

The NH House Education sub-committee recommended killing this legislation to prohibit the dispositional questioning on New Hamsphire’s statewide assessments. They voted (3-1) to ITL SB 343 on April 17, 2014. These same legislators opposed dispositional questions...

Wakefield, NH School Board Rejects Common Core

Breaking News: The Wakefield School Board votes to REJECT Common Core tonight. Schools are lining up to reject the Common Core Standards in New Hampshire. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct...

Scandalous Bedford School System Survey Discussed

Ann Marie Banfield discusses the provocative and controversial Bedford survey with “Education Matters” in Manchester. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct...

Opting Out Why Ian Will Never Take State Tests

From a Teacher… “Opting Ian out of these state tests will help Ian become a healthier, more confident student–I am certain of that. If I allowed Ian to follow the same path of so many children before him, children who learned differently but were told they...