Jan 13, 2015
Hopefully the following information will help parents put to rest their fundamental rights to guide and direct the education of their children. We know parents have been receiving conflicting information from their school administrators on whether or not they have...
Dec 19, 2014
Parents, teachers, and activists around New Hampshire have been warning about the new computer adaptive Common Core standardized assessments. The NH DOE signed on to Smarter Balanced before it was ever validated. (It still has NOT been validated as required by law)...
Dec 16, 2014
Here is an article about the PARCC in NJ and how parents are just starting to wake up about the nightmare that is Common Core aligned standardized testing. The last paragraph states that the districts are required to have 95% of the student population take the test...
Nov 9, 2014
PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGE TO “REFUSE” THE SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT!!See: http://nhfamiliesforeducation.org/content/parents-have-right-opt-out-or-refuse-allow-their-child-take-statewide-assessments-suchTesting Window for Spring 2015 Smarter Balanced...
Sep 3, 2014
Some parents are contacting us with stories of Administrators pushing back against them as they seek to remove their children from the harmful impact of over-testing. We’d like to post some resources for parents to look at and use if they are put in this...
May 3, 2014
On Wednesday Tracy and Mary Finney of Marietta, Georgia were met by a police officer outside their children’s public school and informed they were trespassing on school property because they opposed the school’s process of testing all children. The Finneys, whose...