Oct 13, 2014
We all know that teachers who oppose Common Core are SILENCED. We also know that Governor Hassan has ignored the serious problems with the Common Core Standards. Governor Jindal just showed all of us how BAD Governor Hassan is for teachers in NH: Thank you, Governor...
Oct 11, 2014
OPT OUT OF THE STATE TEST: The National Movement posts: When the State Recovery Board cancelled Philadelphia’s teachers contract, it may have removed the last hurdle to a national opt out movement of standardized testing. Up to now, teachers have only sporadically...
Sep 14, 2014
Teachers across the nation and in New Hampshire are being set up for failure. How? The new Common Core initiative targets teachers as the cause for why schools are failing. Assuming that the problems lie with teachers (and we’d argue against that belief) one...
Jul 13, 2014
The AFT put Duncan on a “Secretary of Education Improvement Plan.” If he doesn’t improve, having been treated fairly, asking him to resign. Don’t miss the comments from the rank and file teachers at the bottom....
Jun 8, 2014
My Letter to Bill Duncan and the NH Board of Education regarding Common Core here in NH. Good Morning Mr. Duncan! My name is Maryann Boucher and we met briefly at the Common Core State Standards Debate at St Anslem’s College last Monday evening. I was the...
Jun 1, 2014
This is interesting proof of what we have been saying — even the ‘charter’ schools use the wacky curriculum sold to them by consultants. Brian Polet, board president of Eagle Crest Charter Academy in Holland, Michigan has resigned. Here is his letter: Dear...