Who Are They Kidding?

Do these public officials think we’re stupid? Tom Raffio, Chairman of the State School Board, and person who swears he sees no political indoctrination going on in the state’s public schools, objects to this proposed law. Common Core optional? So why does...

WARNING NH: Governor Hassan is about to dumb down Science Education

Dumbing down Math and English wasn’t enough for Governor Hassan and the NH Board of Education.  They are now on the verge of dumbing down the science education in our public schools too. Governor Hassan put together a Committee to advise her on STEM education....

Andre Rosa Opposes Common Core

My name is Andre Rosa and I’m a State Rep candidate in Hillsborough District 8 / Manchester Ward 1. I oppose Common Core. I recently wrote this oped. Rotten to the Core by Andre Rosa Education is a big deal. How children are taught determines New Hampshire’s...

A List of NH State Representatives Who Voted FOR Your Children

Last year HB1508 was introduced in the NH House.  The Democratic majority voted AGAINST this legislation and against YOUR children and teachers.  Here is a list of State Reps who VOTED  FOR YOUR CHILDREN and TEACHERS. It’s important to SUPPORT these legislators...