BIA (Business Industry Assoc.) Lobbying Against Parental Rights In NH

It looks like the BIA (Business Industry Assoc.) stands in OPPOSITION of parental rights in New Hampshire too. BIA HB 603 Letter We now have our Governor and a business lobbying group working against parents in New Hampshire. We continue to encourage business to...

Common Core Forum in Northwood

A Common Core Forum will be held on Thursday, June 25, 2015, at the Northwood School, 511 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH, at 6:30 PM. Dr. Sandra Stotsky will be there to talk about the problems with Common Core. We are being told that other people will be there to...

Why The Common Core Is Psychologically and Cognitively Unsound

Perfectly Incorrect: Why The Common Core Is Psychologically And Cognitively Unsound We just stumbled upon a book that caught our attention. It looks like this might be a good book to send to your local Superintendent after you’ve read it. In fact, it might be a...

138 State Reps Stood Up AGAINST NH Parents

Did your State Representative vote against LOCAL CONTROL for your School District? SB 101 would have Prohibited the State from Requiring School Districts to Adopt Common Core. GOVERNOR MAGGIE HASSAN AND THESE 138 STATE REPS STOOD UP AGAINST PARENTS, LOCAL CONTROL AND...

Who’s Working Against Parents In NH? We Are Naming Names

This year is proving to be quite the battle for parents who want control over their local schools versus allowing the Feds to run their schools with the help from the New Hampshire Dept. of Education. We’ve highlighted pro-parent legislation like HB206 and how...

NH PARENTS: A Call To Action. What are they doing?

We know parents in New Hampshire want the best education for their children. We also know that the Obama Redesign (with Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards) do not provide that for our children. That is why many parents across the state have started to...