Common Core Forum in Northwood

A Common Core Forum will be held on Thursday, June 25, 2015, at the Northwood School, 511 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH, at 6:30 PM. Dr. Sandra Stotsky will be there to talk about the problems with Common Core. We are being told that other people will be there to...

Tribute to Sam Blumenfeld

Millions of people who can read today owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Samuel L. Blumenfeld (shown), America’s foremost apostle of phonics over the past half century, who died on June 1, one day after his 89th birthday. I was privileged to know him, as a friend...

Common Core Architects Just Ruined AP History Too

AP History framework is organized around such abstractions as “identity.” From an open letter to the College Board regarding the Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum framework issued last year for the U.S. history exam; the June 2 letter was signed by 55 scholars,...

Sam Blumenfeld

The education research community has lost a great friend and patriot. Dr. Sam Blumenfeld passed this morning, June 1, 2015 at age 89 in Waltham, Mass. He will be sorely missed. Sam is pictured here with the many books he authored.

Agenda 21 In Your Schools

We are posting these links without comment except to say that Agenda 21 critics have been accused of creating a ‘conspiracy theory’. The UN has a vice-grip on your federal government and it greatly influences the educational mandates which come from there....

Have the CFR and Federal Reserve Infiltrated Your Schools?

Your child has the right to an education without federal government interference. It’s the law. We’ve seen how unelected regional boards are partnering with global NGOs to impose their agenda upon our towns and cities. The same thing has been going on with...