School Reproductive Services Met With Disdain or Disbelief

School-based clinics are now offering to implant IUDs into girls as young as 11. It is truly amazing that some folks still refuse to believe...

Patriot Ledger Censors Account of Book Banning by Crane Library

We’ve seen the unfortunate hysteria over the Confederate Flag. Behold what seems to be a disturbing similar trend regarding books. One of our readers became involved in a controversy over the fact that a branch of the Thomas Crane Public Library in Quincy, Mass...

New Hampshire Dept. of Ed. a Fraud?

Exploiting Children for Federal Grant Money is not the NH Way of Education! On the broadcast; How upset would you all be if you were being accused of violating a law you didn’t violate, and then losing your job? A conversation with Lisa Brady, a woman who’s in a...

Has the Government Lost Its Mind?

[Click picture for a larger view… ] “Why should the parents be required to bear the expense of a doctor’s visit to get the required note to be allowed to send healthful, homemade lunches for their children?” The answer is, the government has NO RIGHT...