Apr 28, 2014
The Curriculum and Instruction Committee of Manchester School Board met UNOFFICIALLY last week with school administrators to discuss the elimination of LEVELING in middle and high school grades. Without a vote of the committee or the full Board, a pilot study will...
Apr 28, 2014
All legislators [and of course the PUBLIC] are invited to a luncheon entitled “Children: the Bedrock of the Granite State,” sponsored by Spark NH, the Governor-appointed Early Childhood Advisory Council for the State of New Hampshire to be held on Wednesday, April...
Apr 24, 2014
Common Core is a bad idea. Republicans should remember that Jeb Bush, the guy the neocons are pushing as a “reasonable” candidate is a force behind the federalization of education standards. Something which couldn’t be less “conservative.” But it is corporatist. And...
Apr 24, 2014
Editor’s Introduction: This year, in a major shift in public education, states across the nation have been implementing a new set of standards known as the Common Core. Common Core appears as a subject in national and local news media and is a constant subject of...
Apr 24, 2014
A battle is brewing in Baton Rouge over the state’s implementation of Common Core in schools. Right now the governor and the head of education for the state are at odds after the governor “flip flops” on Common Core. Last month Governor Bobby Jindal...
Apr 24, 2014
The wagon to get out of Common Core town has started rolling. Stokes County, NC is on board. Stokes County Board of Education has issued a resolution rejecting the Common Core. In the resolution, they cite “substantial disagreement” amongst educators as to...