De-Leveling Scandal in Manchester

Manchester’s Livingston claims school board did not have jurisdiction over the class de-leveling decision. Girard at Large has the story.

NGA Chair Gov. Mary Fallin Target of Campaign to End Common Core

The National Governors Association is a NON governmental body that had a lot to do with crafting and promoting Common Core. This should have been illegal. American Principles Project, Eagle Forum, Concerned Women for America, Home School Legal Defense Association and...

Who Is the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation?

The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is funding the NH After School organization. Some philanthropic foundations as different as Soros’s leftist Open Society Institute and the conservative Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation support projects that represent the...

Education Tactics Employ Delphi Technique

Ah yes, many of the teachers in our working group have been the victims of this very tactic. We’ve seen it with the regionalists (Acting on the World Stage) and now we are recognizing its existence in the education world. Illinois taxpayer says school districts...

What School “Transformation” Really Means

What School “Transformation” Really Means and Who is Helping it Along Without Knowing It You’ve seen the video about how we must not think of our children as the property of their parents? If not go here: Children are not “the property” of their...