Jun 1, 2014
We will TRY to keep you updated on candidates this next election. State Rep. Lorrie Carey, D-Boscowen, is running for re-election to the NH House. It’s important to know that Rep. Carey voted AGAINST HB 1508 which would have TERMINATED Common Core in NH. We...
Jun 1, 2014
This is interesting proof of what we have been saying — even the ‘charter’ schools use the wacky curriculum sold to them by consultants. Brian Polet, board president of Eagle Crest Charter Academy in Holland, Michigan has resigned. Here is his letter: Dear...
May 25, 2014
Yes this is what is being taught at our universities and schools. Hear the lecturer lead them in a chant to denounce capitalism. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: Group Chant – “Capitalism Will Fall, Capitalism Is...
May 24, 2014
Parents need to look closely at what information the school will be gathering on your children. A good question to always ask is, where is the DATA that proves the programs being used in the school has had significant success in reducing alcohol/drugs use on the...
May 23, 2014
In a democratic country with a flourishing civil society, a high degree of pluralism, and ample room for disagreement and dissent — like the United States — it may well be harder to use the curriculum to change the political views of young people. But even in such...
May 22, 2014
FORT JENNINGS — Members of the Putnam County Common Core group addressed Fort Jennings School Board members and spoke out against Common Core standards during Wednesday night’s meeting. Lincoln Bramlage, Rose Stechschulte, Stephanie Stechschulte and Glenn Karhoff each...