Why Do Americans Stink at Math? Some of the Answer

Please read Wayne Bishop’s reaction to Elizabeth Green’s article–in particular the information about Japanese methods of teaching Why Do Americans Stink at Math? Some of the Answer. From: Wayne Bishop PhD Mathematics, California State University LA...

The Federalization of New Hampshire Schools

Swift is a public /private program. It is part of Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative .” President Obama announced an additional $100 million in funding for his racial justice initiative “My Brother’s Keeper,” a public-private...

Rep. Annie Kuster’s support for attacking NH teachers: EXPOSED

Cross posting from:  Stop Common Core in NH We couldn’t help but notice the recent commercial by Rep. Annie Kuster who is attacking her opponent Marilinda Garcia. Kuster criticizes Garcia for opposing the U.S. Department of Education.  The US DOE has a budget of...

Are the Democrats in NH running & hiding from the issue of Education?

Many of us who are fighting Common Core in NH are mothers and teachers.  What we’ve noticed in this latest election is the deliberate exemption on the issue of public education. The dominant issue from candidates like Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan, Carol Shea...

If you support Common Core, you will lose primary, Rand Paul

GREENVILLE, North Carolina — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has a harsh message for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and any other potential 2016 GOP presidential candidates: Support Common Core? You won’t win the presidential primary. “I don’t see Common Core being—if you’re for...

Beware the Facilitators

Coming soon to Laconia will be PR firm NH Listens-trained facilitators who will help “steer” your discussions during sessions intended to consider YOUR concerns and wishes for their public school system. “LACONIA — The Strategic Planning Committee of...