Common Core Debate: Jenni White vs. Michael Petrilli

Education Matters!  Did you miss Jenni White last night as she did an amazing job in the Oklahoma Wesleyan University debate on Common Core? Take the time to watch!! We should want the best in education for our children!! Folks it is time to get engaged and protect...

Note to New Hampshire Parents, You Will Be Ignored

This is a letter a NH parent received from State Rep. Gile who is the current Chair on the NH house Education Committee.   It’s important to note that Rep. Gile (D) could have helped terminate Common Core last year when there was a vote on HB 1508.  She chose to...

Catholic Schools in NH REJECT Common Core Standards

This is great news for students in New Hampshire’s Catholic Schools. The following letter was sent to parents reassuring them that they don’t have to worry about their children’s education. Knowing Common Core is a fundamental shift to dumbed down...

Pittsfield NH School: Success or a BIG FAT LIE?

The NH Dept. of Ed along with Governor Hassan has repeatedly referenced the Pittsfield School District as a great example of success in NH.  In fact, The Atlantic recently posted this article citing their self-proclaimed success. The problem with these kinds of glossy...

Bill Duncan Wants Your Four-Year Olds

Now Bill Duncan, Hassan appointee to our NH State School Board (not a legal body to be sure) is advocating for universal pre-K. Nicholas Kristof says important things about American education that we should listen to in New Hampshire It’s one of the planks...

Governor Hassan: Asleep At The Wheel on Common Core

New Hampshire voters….WHERE Is GOVERNOR HASSAN? ANSWER: She is still in denial that Common Core is NOT good for NH students and teachers. Governors around the country are finally admitting this is another DISASTER in education reform.  Yet she doubles down with...