Common Core: How They Destroy Math Education and the Love of Learning

Stop Common Core in NH monitors and participates in discussions on Common Core. We listen to parents and teachers all across the country, research and post information to help others fully understand what this reform is all about. We wanted share a conversation that...

Common Core Tests Break Basic Codes of Test Ethics

Parents if you don’t have enough of a reason to REFUSE the standardized Common Core Assessment (Smarter Balanced Assessment in NH) this should do it. This is what OUR Governor Hassan and Commissioner Barry are doing to our children. It is important to READ this...

Latest Outrage in the Billy Baer Case

GILFORD — The town of Gilford continues to want to prosecute the “disorderly conduct” case of Billy Baer, a parent who dared to stand up and speak out at a school board meeting about the inappropriate reading material that was assigned to his daughter....

School Boards Limiting Public Input

In addition to NGOs putting their PR firms between the voters and their elected boards, some of these elected boards have now taken to limiting public input and interaction. This we feel is the slippery slope to the loss of local control. Ken Eyring, Windham NH School...

Another Stupid Idea: Student Led Conferences

Maybe we should just let the Feds run our schools.  After all they are controlling what food is served, what tests we use (that drives the curriculum) and how to evaluate our teachers.  Those are just a few reforms brought to us by the U.S. Department of Education vs...

Email Virginia Barry

This is video from the testimony by Commissioner Virginia Barry. She is the NH Commissioner who opposed legislation to TERMINATE Common Core in NH. Notice at 1:15 she begins to TRASH parents who’ve actually vocalized their opposition to Common Core. Now parents...