Ten Common Core Promoters Laughing All The Way To The Bank

Joy Pullman in The Federalist pulls no punches in her latest on Common Core and her list of who the players are, what they did, and how much they have benefitted monetarily. Ten Common Core Promoters Laughing All The Way To The Bank...

Gatsas and Raffio In Denial

Unfortunately Mayor of Manchester Ted Gatsas (who seems unaware of how his teachers are being trained) and State School Board Chair Tom Raffio (who denies there is any bias in public schools in NH) are either in cahoots or in denial about what is going on in the City...

Pittsfield Under Attack by NGOs, Foundations and PR Firms

We bet most of the parents and taxpayers in Pittsfield and Manchester (two Annenberg partners in NH – there is also a Youth Organizers United in Manchester) have no idea they need to deal with a PR Firm created by an NGO/foundation out of UNH (Carsey Institute)...

Has Your Superintendent Given Away Local Control In Your District?

The US DOE’s now inviting superintendents across the country to “Take the Pledge” for Nationalized Daily Curriculum and Daily Testing. At the ConnectED conference in Washington, D.C., various superintendents from around the country took “THE...