RALLY for PARENTAL RIGHTS in New Hampshire

PLEASE INVITE and SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS! Let’s meet in the LOBBY of the Legislative Office Building at 9:00 AM on Thursday, March 5th, 2015. NH Commissioner of Education Virginia Barry is using Technical Advisories to intimidate parents. Barry believes her...

How Libraries Waste Your Money

We suspect these books mentioned in the article below were not politically correct and thus do not meet the new standards for political correctness. Public and school libraries often toss these books out, books which could go to poor children or schools instead. It...

New Hampshire Teacher Speaks Out Against High Stakes Testing

This was recently posted on a public face book page.  We wanted to make sure that parents were aware of it and want to thank all teachers who are showing real courage by speaking out against the damage of high-stakes testing in our New Hampshire schools From a...

Gilford School District Accused of Wiretapping

GILFORD, NH – A New Hampshire citizen has learned that the Gilford, New Hampshire school district has been in violation of the State’s wiretapping law by unlawfully audio recording students on school buses without posting the requisite notification within the bus....

William Baer Sues Cop That Arrested Him

Will these school boards ever learn that they don’t score any points by arresting people who merely want to be heard? GILFORD — The man who objected to one of his 9th grade daughter’s reading assignments at a School Board meeting last year is suing the...

Charlotte Iserbyt Interview with Jeff Rense

Charlotte Iserbyt and Anita Hoge, two of the most stunning educational researchers of all time, tell the story of how and why our educational system has fallen to the levels it has, to talk show host Jeff Rense. If the above video does not appear on your device, use...