UPDATE: Manchester Academic Standards, Common Core Lite?

MANCHESTER: In the Manchester’s dumbed down draft standards in ELA, there is no longer a reference to reading Shakespeare, 18th, 19th, and early 20th century American literature, or US founding documents in ELA (Gettysburg Address, Declaration of Independence)....

Dr. Duke Pesta Exposes Common Core

The worst problem with Common Core is not just the fuzzy curriculum and “fad” teaching methods, but the ingrained political indoctrination and inappropriate lessons that are geared toward turning students against the republic and toward the one world...

Study Finds Poetry Endangered in Common Core English Standards

Study Finds Poetry Endangered in Common Core English Standards by Dr. Susan Berry 1 May 2014 A new study suggests that the literary genre of poetry is likely to become endangered in the Common Core-based English classroom due to the dramatic reduction in time spent on...