WARNING: NH Schools implementing national SCIENCE standards

Did YOUR School Board vote on this? NH School Districts are implementing Next Generation Science Standards which correspond to Common Core English Language Arts and Math State Standards. SAU 14 EPPING SAU 21 HAMPTON — This is Senate Education Chair Nancy Stiles’...

Common Core Supporters Mount Slick Propaganda Campaign

We came across this website: TheCommonCore.com It is a pretty slick propaganda campaign backed by corporate interests who are promoting and funding Common Core, the attempt to nationalize education in the US. Let us bust some of their “myth” busters…...

Common Core: Based on UN Agenda 21, UNESCO Standards

Michael Chapman explains the Connections between Common Core, UNESCO, and Agenda 21. The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has a program called “Education for All” that includes the same people and same ideas as Common Core. The...