Mar 1, 2015
“Language lessons increasingly replace classic literature with short technical articles as students get older. By the senior year in high school, 70% of their reading material will be composed of political or scientific writings, pieces infused with the...
Feb 28, 2015
We suspect these books mentioned in the article below were not politically correct and thus do not meet the new standards for political correctness. Public and school libraries often toss these books out, books which could go to poor children or schools instead. It...
Feb 25, 2015
Will these school boards ever learn that they don’t score any points by arresting people who merely want to be heard? GILFORD — The man who objected to one of his 9th grade daughter’s reading assignments at a School Board meeting last year is suing the...
Feb 22, 2015
There has been a lot of nitpicking with the “government” lately about programs like Common Core, No Child Left Behind, and School to Work schemes. But perhaps if we look at the bigger picture, we will see that all these conversations are hardly necessary....
Feb 9, 2015
This won’t surprise anyone who has had experience in the public schools in the last 10 years or so. It is a revealing anecdotal story among many we hear weekly. From a parent: “My daughter just took the ACT exam for college entrance over the weekend. She...
Jan 11, 2015
WATCH TO THE END!!!!! Common Core: Social/Emotional Impact on Kids, Joe Stapp, MA LPC NCC , Licensed Psychotherapist “The Common Core standards do not follow Neurocognitive development” How many more warnings from professionals...