Apr 6, 2015
We recently came across this post from a New Hampshire teacher who was courageous enough to speak up. The question now; is anyone listening? April 6, 2015 A LETTER TO THE EDITOR A recent article in the Londonderry Times regarding concerns about the new, Common Core...
Mar 18, 2015
PORTLAND TEACHERS WARNED: “KEEP ON THE LOOKOUT FOR WHITENESS” This is what teachers must endure: highly paid consultants that teach them they are bad people and racists because they are white. One wrote: “Keep on the lookout for where whiteness shows up, share that...
Mar 13, 2015
That’s not the only thing Barron’s got wrong. According to the Daily Caller, “The latest version of a top-selling study guide for the Advanced Placement European History exam explains the French Revolution with a chart which identifies Supreme Court...
Mar 9, 2015
HB303 would have put into statute a law that would prohibit dispositional testing and written consent for psychological treatment. The MAJORITY voted YEA to KILL this important legislation. (See above picture to note who voted YES to KILL your parental rights) HB303...
Mar 7, 2015
Statements from Early Childhood Health and Education Experts who warned, Common Core was not appropriate for Early Learners: http://www.allianceforchildhood.org/sites/allianceforchildhood.org/files/file/Comments%20from%20signers%2003_18_10.pdf
Mar 4, 2015
WARNING TO PARENTS IF you think it’s bad now, LOOK OUT. We’ve received word that the NH Board of Ed (appointed Board of political cronies… NOT elected by the people) either adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (in secret) or are on their way...