Agenda 21 In Your Schools

We are posting these links without comment except to say that Agenda 21 critics have been accused of creating a ‘conspiracy theory’. The UN has a vice-grip on your federal government and it greatly influences the educational mandates which come from there....

Why The Common Core Is Psychologically and Cognitively Unsound

Perfectly Incorrect: Why The Common Core Is Psychologically And Cognitively Unsound We just stumbled upon a book that caught our attention. It looks like this might be a good book to send to your local Superintendent after you’ve read it. In fact, it might be a...

SEXUAL Abuse Topic for K to 4th Grade in Kensington Schools

KENSINGTON PARENTS, we wanted to alert you to a presentation on Sexual Assault for children Kindergarten to grade 4. This will be presented on June 1st and 2nd by Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) Here is a video from SASS We are not here to judge this program...

Where’s the Leadership Governor Hassan?

Governor Baker in Mass. is holding public meetings on the Common Core Standards and the Common Core assessment (PARCC). You can listen to Donna Colorio speak on how the scores are DROPPING in Mass. since they abandoned the old and superior Mass standards in favor of...

David “White Privilege” Pook: Profiting Off Common Core

For those of you who’ve researched Common Core know this is a money maker for companies and vendors who are cashing in on the dumbed down education reform. David “White Privilege” Pook is holding a workshop on CC$$ writing. CCSS Writing with David Pook This...