May 6, 2014
Update: Longer Video on Baer Arrest Parents in Gilford attended a school board meeting and said they are trying to understand why Gilford High School is requiring some students to read a book that includes a graphic sexual encounter. “I am utterly appalled that this...
May 4, 2014
The worst problem with Common Core is not just the fuzzy curriculum and “fad” teaching methods, but the ingrained political indoctrination and inappropriate lessons that are geared toward turning students against the republic and toward the one world...
May 2, 2014
In addition to programs that employ fuzzy math, “Social Justice” mandates from the federal government are destroying education Between EveryDay Math and the rush to implement “de-leveling” (classes that are not designed for grouping students...
May 2, 2014
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is funding the NH After School organization. Some philanthropic foundations as different as Soros’s leftist Open Society Institute and the conservative Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation support projects that represent the...
Apr 24, 2014
Despite recent defense rallies by Bill Gates, wars are raging against the embattled Common Core State Standard Initiative, now implemented in 44 states and the District of Columbia. Though criticisms can be leveled at the lack of evidence that the Common Core will...
Apr 24, 2014
And yet they claim CC doesn’t provide lesson plans or tell teachers how to teach. This is complete nonsense. There is total control over methods and philosophy and no academic freedom for teachers. It’s their way or the highway, or you’re out....