Wealthy Leftist Extremist is Hassan Appointee to School Board

A wealthy leftist activist with extreme views was just appointed to the state school board by Governor Margaret Hassan of NH. Bill Duncan, a wealthy retiree with absolutely NO qualifications to serve on a state school board, supports Common Core, and in doing so,...

Doug Lambert and William Baer on WEZS May 7

In case you missed it… Doug Lambert, who spoke out at the Gilford School Board meeting along with William Baer, the parent who was arrested, spoke this morning on Niel Young’s WEZS show “The Advocates”.

Readers Miss the Point on Picoult Smut Book

Update: Longer Video on Baer Arrest Parents in Gilford attended a school board meeting and said they are trying to understand why Gilford High School is requiring some students to read a book that includes a graphic sexual encounter. “I am utterly appalled that this...

De-Leveling Scandal in Manchester

Manchester’s Livingston claims school board did not have jurisdiction over the class de-leveling decision. Girard at Large has the story.

Persistence Pays Off for Timberlane Resident

Thank you Cathy Gorman for your persistence in this matter! Yes we do believe it was YOUR action that stopped this nonsense. Timberlane Survey Cancelled – Girard at Large