AFT President Speaks Up For Parental Rights…..

  We at Stop Common Core in NH want to THANK Randi Weingarten for issuing an important statement on a parent’s right to OPT out of the Common Core assessments. We warned that the reform from the Obama Administration being facilitated by Governor Hassan was...

WARNING to PARENTS: NH House Ed Committee Votes AGAINST Parental Rights

HB303 would have put into statute a law that would prohibit dispositional testing and written consent for psychological treatment.  The MAJORITY voted YEA to KILL this important legislation.  (See above picture to note who voted YES to KILL your parental rights) HB303...


Tuesday March 10th  VOTE 7am to 7pm Seabrook Recreation Department 311 Lafayette Rd, Seabrook, New Hampshire 03874 The Winnacunnet High School ballot (the yellow one) has a measure signed by 44 of your neighbors asking to have all of our area schools pull out of...