Gatsas and Raffio In Denial

Unfortunately Mayor of Manchester Ted Gatsas (who seems unaware of how his teachers are being trained) and State School Board Chair Tom Raffio (who denies there is any bias in public schools in NH) are either in cahoots or in denial about what is going on in the City...

Whistle Blown On Womb To Workforce Data-Mining Scheme

“This creates a database of human capital — your worth, or non-worth — to the economy,” Hoge said. “The government wants to know how you think and what you think and everything about you. This is a government intelligence operation using education to create a dossier...

Portsmouth Interviews with Stotsky and Milgram

Common Core — The Portsmouth Interviews Join us for Common Core — The Portsmouth Interviews — a 5-part series, in which Ann Marie Banfield of New Hampshire interviews two professors who wrote some of the top Math and English/Language Arts K-12 standards in the...

Common Core’s Social and Political Engineering

Now that we know our children are being tested for character traits rather than comprehension on academic knowledge, we can ask ourselves, is this really an economics assignment? Or is this more Pearson probing?  Parents need to keep asking why are they continuing to...