Pornography Protest: Case Dismissed

For those of you who have been wondering what happened to William Baer, the Gilford NH man who dared speak up to the school board regarding the pornographic material they were requiring his daughter to read in honors class, all charges have been dismissed. Read about...

WARNING NEW HAMPSHIRE on Standardized Assessments

Parents, teachers, and activists around New Hampshire have been warning about the new computer adaptive Common Core standardized assessments. The NH DOE signed on to Smarter Balanced before it was ever validated.  (It still has NOT been validated as required by law)...

UN Agenda in Our Schools

There is nothing wrong with learning about water shortages and how to mitigate them, if you are planning on becoming an engineer who deals with that sort of thing. But in middle school and high school, the UN influence is very clearly being promoted in Bedford: they...

REFUSE the Smarter Balanced (Common Core) Standardized Assessment

Here is an article about the PARCC in NJ and how parents are just starting to wake up about the nightmare that is Common Core aligned standardized testing. The last paragraph states that the districts are required to have 95% of the student population take the test...