Teachers Leaving the Democrat Party Thanks to Common Core

We are non-partisan and welcome ANY efforts by legislators to STOP Common Core in NH.  However we will point to the politicians (no matter the party) who support Common Core. Common Core came in under the Obama Admin. and this reform effort is driving teachers out of...

CALL TO ACTION on NH Senate Bills SB81 & SB82

To NH Parents, Taxpayers & School board members: SB81 and SB82 restore local control and reign in the over-reach we are seeing from the Commissioner and the NH Board of Education members.  (note: all are POLITICAL APPOINTMENTS and are NOT elected) It’s...

“My Response: Common Core Reading in Kindergarten” by Donna Garner

“My Response: Common Core Reading in Kindergarten” By Donna Garner 1.19.15 http://www.educationviews.org/response-common-core-reading-kindergarten/ Defending the Early Years (DEY) has released a report which challenges the Common Core Standards in Kindergarten reading...

Here is what Jeb Bush and the other Common Core Supporters do not get

Here is what Jeb Bush and the others do NOT get: By Bill Evers:  EXCERPT The Common Core undermines citizens’ exit option and competitive federalism. It was designed to do so. It likewise evades and negates the voice option. But the makers of this malign utopia have...