Massive Data Collection On Human Capital aka…Students

In order to fulfill the agenda of Marc Tucker and redesign public education into dumbed down workforce training, the government will need to collect data and information on your children. Your children are NOW “human capital” for the state. Individual...

School Board Member in NH Speaks Out

We continue to hear from the NH Board Of Ed that all is well in New Hampshire.  Things are going great.  We wonder how an Education Board could be SO out of touch with what is going on in our schools.  With permission to post….. Dear Senators’ Reagan,...

WARNING on Smarter Balanced Assessment

Still thinking about letting your kids take the Smarter Balanced Assessment in the Spring? I’d suggest you read through this first: SBAC and Psychometric Testing Filed in Uncategorized...

MANCHESTER: Call to ACTION…Attend Feb. 9th School Board Meeting

We ask PARENTS and TAXPAYERS in Manchester to attend the following meeting: Tell the MANCHESTER School Board to STICK WITH THE PLAN and to NOT administer the Smarter Balanced Assessment!! MANCHESTER: Show up and be heard. Bring the Smarter Balance Assessment opt out...


We posted a form you could download to use when informing the school you are REFUSING the Common Core Standardized tests. We liked this one from a parent so much, we decided to POST it incase you’d like to use it too. Teacher and Principal, Please accept this...