NH’s Teachers Union Throwing Teachers & Parents Under the BUS

The MEA (Manchester Teacher’s Union) has sent down and edict to all of its members to fight parents on the refusal of the Smarter Balance test. This is not a reflection on ALL teachers. As we know some Manchester teachers have come forward to fight on behalf of...

Demand Passage of SB 101

The NH Senate Education Committee just voted to ITL (kill) SB 101, a bill prohibiting the state from requiring the implementation of common core standards. It’s time to contact your NH State Senator and demand that the Senate PASS SB 101 to openly acknowledge...

Who Are They Kidding?

Do these public officials think we’re stupid? Tom Raffio, Chairman of the State School Board, and person who swears he sees no political indoctrination going on in the state’s public schools, objects to this proposed law. Common Core optional? So why does...