Mar 1, 2015
Why The NH DOE Commissioner Virginia Barry Needs To Be Censured by John Lyscars To David, John, Gregory, Bill, David, House Education, Emma, Molly, Virginia, Gary, Kevin, Helen, Tom, Cindy, Nancy… Good Morning Senator Boutin, I have copied the state legislators...
Mar 1, 2015
“Language lessons increasingly replace classic literature with short technical articles as students get older. By the senior year in high school, 70% of their reading material will be composed of political or scientific writings, pieces infused with the...
Feb 28, 2015
PLEASE INVITE and SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS! Let’s meet in the LOBBY of the Legislative Office Building at 9:00 AM on Thursday, March 5th, 2015. NH Commissioner of Education Virginia Barry is using Technical Advisories to intimidate parents. Barry believes her...
Feb 28, 2015
We suspect these books mentioned in the article below were not politically correct and thus do not meet the new standards for political correctness. Public and school libraries often toss these books out, books which could go to poor children or schools instead. It...
Feb 28, 2015
Please contact your State Representatives!! There is a VOTE on March 4th for HB 206 — a BI-PARTISAN effort to SUPPORT PARENTAL RIGHTS TELL THEM TO VOTE OUGHT TO PASS on HB 206. FIND YOUR STATE REP HERE: HERE IS THE...