David Coleman’s Chilling Statement

Aha, that’s what YOU think David Coleman, Rhodes Scholar, Yale Skull and Bonesman, and creep of the highest order. In case you forgot this is NOT Nazi Germany… There IS a force strong enough on this earth to prevent Common Core and it’s called...

Bedford Survey on Superintendent

From: Chip McGee Date: Friday, March 27, 2015 Subject: Superintendent Feedback Parents, Teachers, Students, and all other Community Members, I am writing to ask you to fill in a short feedback form on my work as the superintendent of the Bedford School District. In...

CENSORING Information to Parents in New Ipswich?

BRAVO to students defending their teacher for helping to inform parents in their community. Multiple Mascenic School District parents are up in arms about the prospect of statewide assessment testing happening at the district’s three schools this month and next, with...

More Teaching, Less Testing Please!

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: MORE TEACHING, LESS TESTING PLEASE! It astonishes me how much standardized testing our children are being subjected to in schools today. We have the NECAPS, NWEA, NAEP, ACT, ACT ASPIRE, and now the Smarter Balanced Assessment Tests (SBAT). Do...

Invasive Surveys Continue

Don’t think this is not going on at your child’s school in NH. Because it is. Parents of Fulton Middle School students are outraged over a series of questions put to them by two physical education teachers, and the school superintendent is apologizing to...

URGENT Call to Action : Show UP Tomorrow For Two Important Bills

IMPORTANT BILLS TOMORROW. PLEASE attend the hearings if you can. Come to the Legislative Office Building BEHIND the State House: HB 206 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2015/HB0206.html AN ACT relative to non-academic surveys or questionnaires given to...

Double Speak on Common Core Doesn’t Fool Us

First you may want to read this article that boasts that Ted Cruz “can’t repeal Common Core”. You’ve heard it before… government double-speak. Here is the real reason why Ted Cruz, or anyone else, “can’t repeal Common...

OH MY: Look at who’s assisting the teachers in the PACE program

There are two organizations that will be working with NH teachers and will be developing the new PACE assessment program in New Hampshire. Here is some information on those organizations and the people behind them. Remember, the NH DoE is telling us that these are...