May 8, 2015
NH parents. Today Governor Hassan vetoed SB101 which would have prohibited the State Dept. of Ed and Board of Ed from forcing schools to use the Common Core Standards. Please share this video with parents across New Hampshire and let them know, this is the kind of...
May 8, 2015
Elections have consequences. A large number of parents showed up last year and now this year to oppose Common Core in NH. SB101 clarified that schools do not have to adopt the Common Core Standards. The representatives of the people in the NH House and Senate listened...
May 5, 2015
The questions below are from the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey given to students in Canton, Mass, and from the statewide Massachusetts 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey posted on the Mass Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education (DOE) website. REMINDER, HB206 goes...
May 4, 2015
We’ve been warning about the data-mining of our children’s information through the SLDS (Statewide Longitudinal Data System) Parents need to look at some of their elected officials to see who originally supported this in New Hampshire. New...
May 2, 2015
Please click on the graphic for a larger view of a letter intended for Virginia Barry.
May 1, 2015
When schools start dictating what children may and may not have in their lunches, it’s time for parents to revolt. What right do they have to do this? Unless a child is bringing NOTHING but sweets for lunches, it is not any of their business to deny the child...
Apr 28, 2015
New Hampshire parents, once again your rights are under attack by the Senate Education Committee. The Senate Education Committee today voted 3 to 2 against parental rights (HB603) in New Hampshire. HB603 : This bill declares that a student exempted from taking the...
Apr 28, 2015
Surveys given to students have caused quite an uproar in New Hampshire. Children have been questioned about their sexuality, drug and alcohol use, their families and all kinds of personal information. HB206 attempted to put in some parental control when schools survey...
Apr 27, 2015
We’ve exposed the fraud being perpetrated on parents across New Hampshire as the NH DoE continues to sell Competency Based Ed (CBE) as “new and innovative.” Everyone should know by now that CBE is the old rehashed Outcome Based fad from the...
Apr 27, 2015
Finally Commissioner Barry has decided to meet with the Manchester School Board next Monday night, reversing her previous opposition to PUBLIC meetings. NH BoE Chairman (and lobbyist) Tom Raffio will join the Commissioner, since she didn’t want to meet alone...