Common Core’s Data Collection

Common Core’s Data Collection, the State Longitudinal Data Systems and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Jane Robbins, Senior Fellow with the American Principles Project gave an in-depth presentation on Common Core’s data collection and the interfacing...

David “White Privilege” Pook: Profiting Off Common Core

For those of you who’ve researched Common Core know this is a money maker for companies and vendors who are cashing in on the dumbed down education reform. David “White Privilege” Pook is holding a workshop on CC$$ writing. CCSS Writing with David Pook This...

Common Core is a Path to ILLITERACY

Everyone, including the NH DoE, has acknowledged there is too much testing going on in the schools and not enough learning. We’ve presented information on the dumbing down in the NH schools through Competency Based Ed. The Common Core Math and English standards...

CALL or E-MAIL GOVERNOR HASSAN: Support Parental Rights

BIG NEWS: HB603 Passed the New Hampshire Senate today and is on the way to Governor Hassan’s desk. Will she support parents on this important legislation, or will she veto HB603? CONTACT GOVERNOR HASSAN Office of the Governor State House 107 North Main Street...

NH Superintendents Working AGAINST PARENTS In Support Of HB323

New Hampshire Superintendents across New Hampshire are actively working against parents in support of HB323. HB323 has a number of problems including the implementation of the Competency Based Assessments (PACE assessments) and we encourage parents to read these...

How the Reformers Destroyed Standardized Testing

A superintendent recently described standardized testing as a tool to compare schools with. He went on to say that only one test is needed so they can measure how they are doing compared to another school in the state. No, that wasn’t the purpose of standardized...

The BIA & Governor Hassan: CHILDREN FOR SALE!

See the attached letter below from the BIA urging Governor Hassan to VETO SB101. SB101 prohibited the implementation of Common Core in New Hampshire Schools. The BIA has been engaged in supporting Common Core in New Hampshire for a few years. They have been actively...

More Ways the Government Monitors You

This picture of an actual event and the parent’s comment is posted here with no further discussion as it speaks for itself. Click on the graphic for a larger view. The activity came from a packet sold by a company called “Inspire Me,...

Compare Manchester to Londonderry on Refusals

Parents have been complaining about the intimidation, misinformation and bullying by administrators in their local school district when it comes to exercising their parental rights to REFUSE the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Schools are required to administer the...