THIS Is What Governor Hassan Is DOING To Your Children

This is what Governor Hassan is doing to your children. PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK AND WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO!! Some state officials are finally admitting how bad...

HB323 PASSED the NH Senate: What Lies Ahead?

Yesterday after battling to kill HB323, an amendment (1863s) was introduced by Senator Jeb Bradley​. The Senate then voted to support the amended HB323. The amended version is a huge improvement over what the NH House passed a short time ago. Remember the original...

Who’s Working Against Parents In NH? We Are Naming Names

This year is proving to be quite the battle for parents who want control over their local schools versus allowing the Feds to run their schools with the help from the New Hampshire Dept. of Education. We’ve highlighted pro-parent legislation like HB206 and how...

Arne Duncan Takes Orders from UNESCO

[This post was updated with a new link] Not legal, and not constitutional. Parents, stand up for your rights! If you have any questions about who controls education in the US, and who requested and had Common Core developed, this should answer all of them. The first...

NH PARENTS: A Call To Action. What are they doing?

We know parents in New Hampshire want the best education for their children. We also know that the Obama Redesign (with Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards) do not provide that for our children. That is why many parents across the state have started to...

Is the Nashua Superintendent Purposely Misleading Parents?

We’ve posted information on REFUSING the Smarter Balanced Assessment for your children. There’s even a petition to stop the abusive practices by the NH Dept. of Education. Unfortunately we continue to see administrators not providing parents with ALL of...

Where’s the Leadership Governor Hassan?

Governor Baker in Mass. is holding public meetings on the Common Core Standards and the Common Core assessment (PARCC). You can listen to Donna Colorio speak on how the scores are DROPPING in Mass. since they abandoned the old and superior Mass standards in favor of...