WARNING: Gov. Kasich is worse than Gov. Hassan on Education Policy

As New Hampshire voters meet and greet Republican candidates for President, we couldn’t help but notice the “spin” a few of them are putting on their support for Common Core. It appears as if the voters in the Granite State are vetting the candidates...

Social Studies: A Lesson in Behavior Modification Versus Academics

We want to equip parents with the information that allows them to see the actual dumbing down that is taking place in classrooms across the country. In this latest example from a 6th grade Social Studies class, the parent who posted this social studies assignment...

UPDATE: HB206 Surveys and Teaching White Privilege to NH Students

The Committee to Study Non-Academic Surveys or Questionnaires Administered by a Public School to its Students met on Weds. Sept. 1st. Below are the notes from that meeting. Please note that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday September 14th, 2015 – HB 206 Regular...

EXAMPLE: Manchester’s Dumbed Down 21st Century Skills

Well that didn’t take us long. We posted this a few days ago, exposing the 21st Century Skills Fad now being implemented in the Manchester School District. Today we received a copy of an assignment given to students in an upper level Junior English class. Look...

Manchester Schools Fall for the “21st Century Skills” Fad

If you watch the video from the Curriculum and Instruction Meeting https://vimeo.com/channels/660461 you will see at 1:10:00 a discussion between the Curriculum and Instruction Committee and the Guidance Counselor. The goal appears to be…SELL the “21st...

NH Parents: How Schools Will Share Your Child’s Personal Data

SAU16 students brought home a booklet today. The front page is permission to administer potassium iodide pills. Inside are several pages of policies which all parents should read. Especially the items on page 5, referencing the Federal Education Records Protection...

How The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Set Students Up To Fail

The Smarter Balanced Assessment set students up for failure. This explains why…. EXCERPT: In September 2014, the group that developed the SBAC test announced for the first time that the SBAC test would fail 67% of the students who took the test. Here is a quote...

Gov. Kasich? Pres. Obama? What’s The Difference?

With a presidential election coming up, many of us are starting to look for a candidate who will dismantle “Common Core” and begin the process of returning control in education to the local communities. That begins with a President who campaigns, not just...