If your child takes any statewide assessments at the local public school, you need to call your state senator to support this bill.
FIND YOUR SENATOR HERE: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/Senate/Senate_members.aspx
Please call your state senators ASAP. The Senate meets TOMORROW May 1, 2014 at 10:00 am. Ask your senator to CONCUR (agree) with the House on SB 343.
SB 343 passed the House TODAY on a voice vote.
“The statewide assessment program shall ONLY measure student understanding of key content-specific concepts, SKILLS, and KNOWLEDGE applied within or across academic content domains. Non-academic outcomes such as work-study practices shall NOT be measured as a component of the statewide assessment program.”
SB 343 explicitly PROHIBITS the assessment of non-academic components as part of the statewide education improvement and assessment program. This prohibits BEHAVORIAL or PSYCHOLOGICAL questions!