What School “Transformation” Really Means and Who is Helping it Along Without Knowing It
You’ve seen the video about how we must not think of our children as the property of their parents? If not go here: Children are not “the property” of their parents
Do Children’s Rights Override Parental Rights?
You’ve seen them try to impose federal programs and fads in the public schools that have little to do with “standards” or academics and more to do with social engineering. OBE, IB, NCLB, and now Common Core…
You’ve seen them try to take control over your children at even younger and younger ages, duping many conservatives into the process who have no idea where these ideas or group are coming from.
Here is an elected official who is actually inviting far left community organizers into NH schools from the Annenberg Institute. Groups such as Annenberg are the ones causing all the problems in our schools; the dumbing down, and the political bias. Annenberg is where William Ayers and Keith Catone came from. And we have unwittingly allowed them access.
Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric about quality after school programs; the government just wants control of the kids 24/7.
Mayoral Summit for Afterschool and Expanded Learning
May 13, 2014
8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Grappone Center, Concord
Continental Breakfast & Lunch Provided
Ken Merrifield, Mayor of Franklin
Even teachers of after-school programs must meet government “dispositions” in order to hold a job:
NAA Core Competencies
This excellent article explains why all these things are being done…
Iserbyt was a senior policy advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she had access to volumes of education documents. Subsequently, she published the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America and founded 3D Research Co, exposing the dangerous direction the American educational system has been heading.
Decades of battle and a sense that time is growing short have made her impatient with those who miss the forest for the trees. “Forget Communist Core,” she writes, referring to Common Core, a project to push national standards that are designed to produce a “workforce ready” population – “this is coming down the pike, which will include Communist Core, even if you think you have repealed it. This is the agenda to expand education into Limited Learning for Lifelong Labor.”
Iserbyt has just sent everyone on her list a copy of “A Vision for Public Education: Equity and Excellence,” prepared by the Georgia School Boards Association and published in 2010. She and the other education researchers behind the 8-disk DVD series Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education see this “vision” as a fairly good example of what’s next in the pipeline, proffered at a point when citizens are weary of battle and feeling they have made their voices heard.
Beyond Common Core: transforming family-centered society to society-centered family