Your child has the right to an education without federal government interference. It’s the law.
We’ve seen how unelected regional boards are partnering with global NGOs to impose their agenda upon our towns and cities.
The same thing has been going on with education for a very long time… teachers are micro-managed and told what and how they can teach, regularly. Academic freedom NO LONGER EXISTS.
In the past we’ve seen how agents of the World Bank have blatantly promoted the UN’s IB program. Here is the propaganda piece that triggered that rebuttal, printed under the Union Leader’s “Local Voices” section. Local? Hardly.
We have seen social studies training workshops that seek to make teachers into “agents of change for social justice” instead of agents who enable learning.
In addition to the World Bank and the United Nations, are billionaire players like George Soros and Bill Gates who seek political or monetary gains from their involvement in education. Other troublesome groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Federal Reserve have now been allowed to contribute their input as well.
And we know this because after we were first alerted to the activities of the Federal Reserve in this 2012 article from Zero Hedge, in addition to their presence at teacher workshops, we see that the Fed has set up a whole website dedicated to the spreading of propaganda regarding their legality and constitutionality.
The Council on Foreign Relations, also presenting to teachers at recent social studies workshops, announced a summer camp for students in 2012. (What does that remind you of?)
When will parents wake up to the rude fact that globalists and corporate interests, both of these groups as political opportunists, are using all of our children as political mules to spread a philosophical agenda that is antithetical to our constitutional republic?