According to WikiPedia, Marc Tucker is
“the president and CEO of the National Center on Education and the Economy. He is an internationally recognized expert on education reform and a leader in benchmarking the policies and practices of the countries with the best education systems in the world.”
But make no mistake. Before Tucker was appointed as an education guru by his friend Hillary Clinton, he was employed as a lighting technician by a television station. He is totally unqualified to preside over any academic “standards” even as we know these mandates and programs are ILLEGAL with regard to their creation or funding by the federal government.
Socialist Tucker is most known for his famous “Letter to Hillary” which can be read here. In it he describes his dream of a top-down centrally managed system that would prepare students for service to the state.
If your Republican Representative is complicit in bringing Tucker to NH for this second “seminar”, he or she needs to hear from you.
Look up your Rep here:
Remember, Tucker is a totally unqualified third party, working for the totally illegal involvement of the fed, the same fed that has destroyed education with fad programs that encourage bad practices such as we teachers have seen with OBE, Common Core, discovery learning, constructivism and whole host of other educational fads that are proven failures.
A televised seminar entitled Professional Environments in Top Performing Systems will be held tomorrow, Thursday, January 14th in Room 206 in the Legislative Offices Building(LOB), beginning at 9:00 AM. The seminar, to be moderated by Dr. Mark Tucker (who was the Key Speaker in November), will feature educator leaders from Shanghai, Singapore, Australia as well as California, Kentucky, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
The event which will actually be held tomorrow in Washington DC., begins at 9:00 AM and concludes at 1:00 PM. And via the wonders of technology, anyone interested can also see it in Room 206 of the LOB.
More on Tucker… HERE and HERE (note: The NHTPC didn’t make those accusations, they were listen in Wiki!)