First you may want to read this article that boasts that Ted Cruz “can’t repeal Common Core”.
You’ve heard it before… government double-speak.
Here is the real reason why Ted Cruz, or anyone else, “can’t repeal Common Core”.
Behold the Regional Planners claim they are ‘advisory only’ while taking public (federal, state, and local) money while doing the bidding of the federal government which comes with many mandates, influenced by NGOs who support the government position of urbanization, even when towns have voted NO on this issue. Planning boards are signing agreements with these unelected groups without the knowledge of voters… and the scam goes on.
There is similarly no shortage of government double-speak when it comes to education and Common Core. According to this article, “The standards were developed and voluntarily adopted by states, albeit with some heavy encouragement from Washington. There is no federal Common Core law to uproot.”
Really? Don’t think so.
First of all, NO TEACHERS were involved in the crafting of Common Core standards. These ‘standards’ are based on international curriculum, we suspect, coming from the the UN”s Robert Muller and his “World Core Curriculum“. Crony corporations were involved and it’s all about attitudes, dispositions, and political views, and is pure communism.
Secondly, NO STATES were involved in the crafting of Common Core standards. It’s just another federal mandate sprung on teachers who are usually too busy doing their jobs to engage willingly in wasting time reinventing the wheel.
You say it’s not a federal mandate? Thinking back to the decree made by NH Education Commissioner Virginia Barry, that no one may opt out of Common Core testing, we see that it is a ‘de facto’ mandate.
Make no mistake about it. The article quotes a spokeswoman for Senator Cruz: “Common Core is a federally created curriculum that the state’s ‘Race to the Top’ grants are tied to,” offered Catherine Frazier. “So if the state does not adopt the standards, it gives up the grant money. But since the federal government created this mess, there should be a way to undo it.”
Perhaps the feds have manipulated a situation where no one can repeal Common Core, based on the lie that it is not mandatory and not a federally-created program. But do not be fooled by such duplicity.
Parents, you only need to get some courage and exercise your right of local control, the right to direct your school boards and adminstrators. COMMON CORE IS ILLEGAL, period.
Just Say No.