This was recently posted on a public face book page. We wanted to make sure that parents were aware of it and want to thank all teachers who are showing real courage by speaking out against the damage of high-stakes testing in our New Hampshire schools
From a Hooksett teacher: Maryann DeLuca Boucher
Dear Mayor Gatsas!
I am writing to thank you for your ROCK SOLID stand on CCSS and it’s unfriendly cohort- SBAC!
I was extremely disappointed to hear that the Board of School voted against your well informed voice and moved forward with the charge to administer SBAC to the children in the Manchester School District!
I thought of you when I saw this article..
It is evident that you remain current on the controversail topics in this educational reform, I thank you for that!
Sadly, the Board of School doesn’t follow your lead. If they did, they wouldn’t be afraid to take a stand on doing what’s best for children.
I stand along side second grade teacher, Kelly Tambouris, and agree wholeheartedly with her position on the over use of assessment- especially High Stakes testing.
Thank you for all that you do for the children of the Manchester School District- you make a difference!
Maryann Boucher
Kindergarten Teacher
Hooksett School District
SAU #15