There has been a lot of nitpicking with the “government” lately about programs like Common Core, No Child Left Behind, and School to Work schemes.
But perhaps if we look at the bigger picture, we will see that all these conversations are hardly necessary.
While we applaud the numerous education activists who valiantly battle the school administration through legislative action and other legal means, NH taxpayers and parents must keep in mind that it is the parents who have the ultimate say over anything that takes place in a public school.
This is contrary to anything State Education Commissioner Virginia Barry “PhD” has decreed in her latest statement.
[Click graphic for a larger view]
Parents, we remind you that…
1. You have the RIGHT to know EVERYTHING that goes on in the public schools. Political indoctrination in the course of academic training is illegal and subjecting children to pornography is punishable by law the same as if the perpetrators were common street predators. Just because it is happening in a school does not make it OK. Do not accept being told that you cannot know what the curriculum contains or that it is somehow a “breech” of student privacy while personal data is constantly being gathered on our students and sent to corporations. What goes on in the schools that YOU pay for is public for a reason.
2. You have the RIGHT of absolute non participation. Keep your kids home when you know they will be given intrusive surveys, non-academic “assessments”, or subject to improper content as described in #1. You may instruct them to avoid and refuse to participate in ANY and ALL data mining activities.
3. No one can supersede your natural rights as a parent. Your natural rights as a parent supersede any law that puts the federal or state government in charge of your child’s education.
Parents, only YOU can take action to stop the abuse of your own children by public education. If you don’t speak up NOW, it may be forever too late. (Commissioner Commissioner’s Office)
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