This won’t surprise anyone who has had experience in the public schools in the last 10 years or so. It is a revealing anecdotal story among many we hear weekly.
From a parent:
“My daughter just took the ACT exam for college entrance over the weekend. She attends an independent school which still maintains a strong traditional curriculum in the upper school. (Except in Biology which is all heavy on UN Agenda 21 Sustainable garbage and thin on zygotes and osmosis. Lots of Rigor for Resilience and cognitive dissonance there.)
She is an exceptionally smart and driven student but like many does not “perform” on standardized tests well, so for the last few months has been working with an ACT tutor.
Long story short, she came home from the test on Saturday and told her father and me that the essay writing portion was absurd. She had to form a position essay based off of a passage stating “Was it a good idea or not for students who were reluctant to speak up in a class setting to show what they knew about a subject via creating a personal blog or website instead?”
She explained to us that if she was to actually write what she thought, which was that such an idea was cop out and silly she knew she would not get good marks for her essay. So she revealed that she wrote an essay that was the polar opposite of her actual beliefs and which was instead in support of students’ demonstrating “understanding” via a personal blog.
She said she was also careful to include buzzwords that she knew they wanted like; Adaptability, Consensus, Collective, Respect, Understanding, Inclusiveness etc…
So. Here we are 2015 and the conversation is utterly controlled. The designated values, behaviors and beliefs are carved in stone so that even those students who are not indoctrinated but smart as a whip know that to advance at all in any way they must speak in lock-step with the Planners.
I knew this was coming but to see it in action in real time has me fuming mad.”
Sadly this has gone on for a very long time and extends to the teachers as well as many other government controlled jobs such as Health and Human Services, etc.