Swift is a public /private program. It is part of Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative .” President Obama announced an additional $100 million in funding for his racial justice initiative “My Brother’s Keeper,” a public-private program that focuses on the unique challenges faced by young men of color. In all, the program has attracted $300 million in funding for an effort that the president has said will continue long after he has left the White House and will make up much of his post-presidential work” (Washington Post”). It is for boys and boys of color. “frameworks demonstrate the importance of school climate in advancing student achievement through quality school norms, goals, values and interpersonal relationships; teaching, learning and leadership practices; and organizational structures. In addition, school board members and superintendents have a responsibility to encourage, support and reward schools to integrate and sustain quality school climate.” “Specific practices are designed to enhance engagement in classroom-based social, emotional and civic learning and in school-wide activities. Swift also includes the inclusion for special education students. Currently, Swift is in 67 schools across the country.http://www.swiftschools.org/
MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, this is the FEDERALIZATION of OUR local schools.
This is now in District 13- Madison and Freedom, District 60 – Charlestown, District 64 -Milton and District 81 – Hudson. This is according to their website. Interestingly, 73% of the schools invited into the program are in rural areas, again. Swift is in California, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, Maryland, New Hampshire ,Oregon and Vermont.
This is the beginning of the end of local control of public education. Eventually, we will not have local school boards – just the property tax bill to pay for it all.
That’s how elitists operate. No need to go to the local parents or community, the Feds will simply run your schools but you will pay the BILLS.
FUNDED through a grant from the FEDS:
The National Center on Schoolwide Inclusive School Reform (The SWIFT Center) produced the data for this presentation under U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs Grant No. H325Y120005. OSEP Project Officers Grace Zamora Durán and Tina Diamond served as the project officers. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service or enterprise mentioned in this publication is intended or should be inferred. This product is public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, please use the citation provided above.
For more information read this: Obama Should Re-Think My Brother’s Keeper
Editorial note: Stop Common Core in NH is committed to LITERACY in public education.
We want ALL children to have access to the best education possible.
Let’s find ways to UPLIFT ALL students. Let’s find ways to empower local communities to identify the needs in their district and then help parents, School Boards, Administrators and teachers achieve those goals.