Many of us who are fighting Common Core in NH are mothers and teachers. What we’ve noticed in this latest election is the deliberate exemption on the issue of public education.
The dominant issue from candidates like Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan, Carol Shea Porter and Annie Kuster seem to be focused on abortion and birth control.
Those issues are certainly worth debating but we wonder why there is almost NO mention of education from these candidates?
Women are not solely focused on abortion. We care about the quality of education our children need and deserve.
Common Core in New Hampshire is dumbing down the education our children are receiving and parents are noticing it. However these candidates have yet to hold a town hall where parents can question them on this important issue.
Instead they are telling US what is important in this election.
We know that education is a PRIORITY for Moms and Dads across New Hampshire. We also know that the Democrats in New Hampshire are failing our children when they refuse to discuss this important issue or even worse, support Common Core.
Common Core is not a LEFT vs RIGHT issue. It’s a WRONG vs RIGHT issue.
WE welcome any Democrat who wants to cross party lines in NH and support our efforts and we thank the NUMEROUS Republicans who are actively talking about this issue, researching and opposing Common Core.
Voters in November need to take this issue to the ballot.
Our children deserve better than candidates who avoid the topic of education and instead tell us WOMEN what they think we should value.
Let’s send a strong message that we VALUE public education. WE VALUE our teachers and we VALUE a QUALITY education. Something that we are NOT getting from those who support Common Core & avoid the issue.