The bias continues. Indoctrination for gun control will be instituted in NH’s schools despite NH having one of the lowest incidences of gun violence in the country.
NH Department of Education Awarded a 9.75 Million Dollar Grant for Project AWARE
(Advancing Wellness and Resilience in Education)
Today, September 24, 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration announced they are awarding the New Hampshire Department of Education 9.75 million dollars over the next 5 years to implement Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resilience in Education). These funds were included in the President and Vice President’s Now Is the Time plan to reduce gun violence by keeping guns out of dangerous hands, increasing access to mental health services, and making school safer.
“New Hampshire is very well poised to partner with districts and other child-youth serving agencies around mental health issues,” said Commissioner Virginia Barry. “We are pleased to be able to provide training to individuals in the State especially our school staff so that they have the tools to recognize and support students who are challenged with a mental illness.”
The Project will serve approximately 4,000 children, youth, and families per year (20,000 over five years) and train approximately 700 youth-serving adults per year (3,500 over five years) in partnership with Berlin Public Schools, Franklin School District, and SAU #7 (Colebrook) to help teachers and others recognize mental health issues in youth and connect them to help, and increase access to mental health services for young people.