Dr. Duke Pesta speaks to residents of Windham, NH, and surrounding communities, at the Windham Town Hall, NH, of the Dangers and Threats of Common Core on June 10, 2014.
Dr. Pesta tells us why Psychologists, Social Workers, and Child Development experts are warning against the Common Core Standards and its Common Core aligned suggested Curriculum and Text Books – published by Pearson Inc. and its subsidiaries, as well as the copyrighted Smarter Balanced and PARCC High-Stakes National Assessments, and the “Shocking” National Core Sex Education curriculum standards embedded in all subjects, is proving to be psychologically abusive to our children.
Also the Data-mining of a students every key stroke, pulse, blood pressure, eye movements, posture, etc. is being or about to be monitored in all public schools.
Of grave concern is the documentation and third party use of every student’s personal and “parental” values, attitudes and beliefs by the government.
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