SB 343 Amendment – Prohibits DISPOSITIONAL or PSYCHOLOGICAL Questions on Statewide Assessments

The NH Department of Education claims that the Smarter Balanced Assessments will not measure student “dispositions,” i.e student values, attitudes and beliefs, based upon a letter from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortia, dated February 18, 2014.

However, parents need explicit reassurance that “dispositional” questions will not be on the statewide assessments for several reasons:

– the trend has been for more and more dispositional or behavioral surveys are being administered to students statewide, many times without parental consent;
– the Smarter Balanced website still discusses dispositional measurements: “Smarter Balanced recognizes that college readiness encompasses a wide array of knowledge, skills, and dispositions, only some of which will bemeasured by the Smarter Balanced assessments.”
– there’s no effective safeguard against data-mining of private student information – once this private information gets out there is no retrieving it;
– parents have not been allowed to exercise their right to review and inspect these statewide assessment, Smarter Balanced, as required by law, RSA 193-C:10.

Moreover, the NH legislature also removed the word “dispositions” from Senate Bill 48 in 2013, restricting statewide assessments to measuring only a student’s “knowledge and skills.”
Compare the language of the original bill:

“New Hampshire’s student assessment system should promote and measure the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that lead students to graduate from high schools ready for college and career” to the final bill that was signed into law:

“New Hampshire’s student assessment system should promote and measure knowledge and skills that lead students to graduate from high schools ready for college and career.”

However, once this current legislature adjourns, there will be little to no remaining memory of any legislative prohibition against dispositional questions unless that prohibition is explicitly placed in state law.

Please support Sen. Sam Cataldo’s amendment (below) to make an explicit prohibition in state law againstdispositional or psychological questions on statewide assessments.

Please contact the House Education Committee members, asking for their support of Sen. Cataldo’s amendment.

Phone numbers and emails addresses for each of the 20 House Education Committee members can be found here:

Or, you can email the entire House Education Committee with the following email address:

Sen. Cataldo, Dist. 6
April 9, 2014
Amendment to SB 343

Amend the bill by replacing all after the enacting clause with the following:

1 New Paragraph; Statewide Education Improvement and Assessment Program; Duties of the Legislative Oversight Committee. Amend RSA 193-C:8 by inserting after paragraph X the following new paragraph:

XI.(a) Compare the current educational standards with common core standards, to determine which contains the level of rigor that the New Hampshire students will need to enter a higher educational program and to succeed in the 21st century;

(b) Examine how the common core standards relate to New Hampshire’s current standards, and examine the impact, if any, of applying national standards to local schools;

(c) Examine whether the common core standards remove local input from what teachers should teach; and

(d) Study whether common core standards are at least as rigorous as New Hampshire’s current educational standards and examine the impact, if any, at the local level of the use of common core standards.

2 Areas of Assessment. Amend RSA 193-C:5 to read as follows:

193-C: Areas of Assessment. The academic areas to be assessed shall include, but not be limited to: reading and language arts, mathematics, science, history, geography, civics, and economics. The assessment shall be directly related to the assessment of student knowledge and skills and not psychological data including assessment of noncognitive skills or attributes, psychological resources, mindsets, learning strategies, attitudes, dispositions, or social skills.

3 Pupil Identification. Amend RSA 193-C:8, IX to read as follows:

IX. Review the unique pupil identification system established in RSA 193-E department of education compliance with RSA 193-E:5 and monitor and propose legislation needed as a result of the review.

4 Repeal. The following are repealed:

I. RSA 194-C:11, relative to the school administrative unit legislative oversight committee.

II. RSA 194-C:12, relative to the duties of the school administrative unit legislative oversight committee.

5 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.