Manchester Schools Fall for the “21st Century Skills” Fad

If you watch the video from the Curriculum and Instruction Meeting you will see at 1:10:00 a discussion between the Curriculum and Instruction Committee and the Guidance Counselor. The goal appears to be…SELL the “21st...

Who’s Targeting The Teachers In The Common Core Scheme?

We’ve offered numerous articles and info on how corrupt the new Common Core assessments (Smarter Balanced Assessment) are and why parents should “REFUSE” to allow their children to take it. The Common Core assessments are not achievement tests and...

Obama Orders Psych Testing On Students: Support HB303 & HB206

Obama orders mental health testing on school kids HB 303 The NH House LAID HB 303 on the table and it will take voters to demand it be TAKEN OFF the table and...

Common Core for Pre-Schoolers?

Last week numerous states (including NH) applied to the Feds for $ to help implement the “cradle” portion of Common Core’s “cradle to career” scheme. Anti-Common Core warriors would be wise to push back (and educate the public) on this...

The Federalization of New Hampshire Schools

Swift is a public /private program. It is part of Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative .” President Obama announced an additional $100 million in funding for his racial justice initiative “My Brother’s Keeper,” a public-private...